Speed Up Windows 11-Top Tweaks for a Faster Experience

Sahi Khabar
12 Min Read

Speed Up Windows 11- An Introduction

Windows 11, with its sleek design and new features, offers a modern computing experience. However, like any operating system, it can benefit from a few tweaks to boost its speed and responsiveness. In this article, we’ll explore some effective ways to speed up your Windows 11 PC and enjoy a smoother performance.

Speed Up Windows 11-Top Tweaks for a Faster Experience

1. Disable Startup Programs

When you start your Windows 11 PC, several programs may launch automatically, running in the background and slowing down your boot time. To disable these startup programs, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the taskbar and select ‘Task Manager.’
  • Go to the ‘Startup’ tab.
  • Disable any unnecessary programs by right-clicking and selecting ‘Disable.’

2. Update Your Drivers

Outdated drivers can lead to performance issues. Ensure your graphics, sound, and network drivers are up to date by visiting the manufacturer’s website or using Windows Update.

3. Enable Performance Mode

Windows 11 offers a ‘Performance’ mode that optimizes your PC for speed. To enable it:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘System.’
  • Click on ‘Power & Battery.’
  • Under ‘Power mode,’ choose ‘Performance.’

4. Adjust Visual Effects

Windows 11 includes various visual effects that, while appealing, can consume system resources. Adjust these effects to boost performance:

  • Right-click on ‘This PC’ or ‘My Computer’ and select ‘Properties.’
  • Click on ‘Advanced system settings.’
  • Under the ‘Performance’ section, click ‘Settings.’
  • Choose ‘Adjust for best performance’ to disable most visual effects or customize which ones to keep.

5. Clean Up Your Hard Drive

A cluttered hard drive can slow down your PC. Use the built-in ‘Disk Cleanup’ tool to remove unnecessary files:

  • Search for ‘Disk Cleanup’ in the Windows search bar and run the tool.
  • Select the drive you want to clean and click ‘OK.’
  • Check the boxes next to the types of files you want to delete, then click ‘OK’ to start the cleanup.

6. Optimize Your Startup Apps

Windows 11 allows you to prioritize apps for a faster startup:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘Apps.’
  • Click on ‘Startup.’
  • Toggle off any apps you don’t need at startup.

7. Check for Malware and Viruses

Regularly scan your PC for malware and viruses to ensure they aren’t slowing it down. Use a trusted antivirus program and keep it up to date.

8. Adjust Your Power Plan

Windows 11 has different power plans that can impact your PC’s performance. To adjust your power plan:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘System.’
  • Click on ‘Power & Battery.’
  • Under ‘Power mode,’ choose a power plan that suits your needs. ‘Balanced’ is a good choice for most users.

9. Manage Background Apps

Windows 11 allows you to control which apps can run in the background:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘Privacy.’
  • Click on ‘Background apps.’
  • Toggle off any apps you don’t want running in the background.

10. Upgrade Your Hardware

If your PC is still slow after trying these tweaks, consider upgrading your hardware components like RAM or switching to a solid-state drive (SSD) for improved performance.

11. Manage Your Browser Extensions

If you frequently use web browsers like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, keep your browser extensions in check. Some extensions can consume memory and slow down your browsing experience. To manage extensions:

  • In Microsoft Edge, click on the three dots (menu) in the upper right corner.
  • Select ‘Extensions’ from the menu.
  • Review and remove any unnecessary extensions.

12. Utilize Windows ReadyBoost

If you have a spare USB drive, you can use Windows ReadyBoost to improve system performance. ReadyBoost uses the USB drive as additional virtual memory. To enable ReadyBoost:

  • Plug in a compatible USB drive.
  • Right-click on the USB drive in File Explorer.
  • Select ‘Properties.’
  • Go to the ‘ReadyBoost’ tab and choose ‘Use this device.’

13. Adjust Windows Update Settings

While keeping your system up to date is important, Windows Updates can sometimes slow down your PC, especially during the installation process. To manage Windows Update settings:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘Windows Update.’
  • Click on ‘Advanced options.’
  • Under ‘Choose when updates are installed,’ consider selecting ‘Semi-Annual Channel’ for fewer, but more stable, updates.

14. Disable Special Effects

Windows 11 comes with various animations and special effects that enhance the user experience but can affect system performance. To disable these effects:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘Accessibility.’
  • Scroll down and choose ‘Visual effects.’
  • Toggle off ‘Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing’ and other effects you can live without.

15. Keep Your Desktop Clean

A cluttered desktop with many icons and shortcuts can slow down your PC’s startup time. Organize your desktop by creating folders and moving files into them.

16. Use a Third-Party Disk Cleanup Tool

While the built-in Disk Cleanup tool is useful, third-party utilities like CCleaner offer more comprehensive cleaning options. These tools can help you remove more junk files and free up additional space.

17. Monitor System Resources

Keep an eye on your system resources to identify any resource-hungry applications. Press ‘Ctrl+Shift+Esc’ to open Task Manager and check which programs are using the most CPU, memory, or disk space.

18. Adjust Virtual Memory

Windows 11 manages virtual memory (pagefile) automatically, but you can fine-tune it for better performance:

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘System.’
  • Click on ‘Advanced system settings.’
  • Under the ‘Advanced’ tab, click on ‘Settings’ under ‘Performance.’
  • Go to the ‘Advanced’ tab again and click on ‘Change’ under ‘Virtual memory.’
  • Choose ‘Custom size’ and set an initial and maximum size according to your RAM size.

19. Uninstall Preinstalled Bloatware

Many new Windows 11 PCs come with preinstalled bloatware that you may not need. Uninstall these unnecessary programs to free up resources and declutter your system.

20. Consider a Clean Install

If your PC continues to be slow despite all efforts, consider performing a clean install of Windows 11. This can eliminate any software-related issues and give your PC a fresh start.

By implementing these additional tips, you can further optimize the speed and performance of your Windows 11 PC. Remember that not all tweaks may be necessary for every user, so choose the ones that best suit your needs and enjoy a faster and more responsive computing experience!


  1. Q: How often should I perform these speed tweaks on my Windows 11 PC?
    • A: You don’t need to perform these tweaks frequently. Once you’ve optimized your PC, it should maintain its performance for an extended period. However, it’s a good practice to check for updates and perform maintenance tasks periodically.
  2. Q: Are there any risks involved in tweaking my Windows 11 settings?
    • A: Most of the tweaks mentioned here are safe and won’t harm your PC. However, it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully. If you’re unsure about a specific tweak, it’s best to consult with a knowledgeable friend or professional.
  3. Q: Can I undo these changes if I experience issues after tweaking my PC?
    • A: Yes, many changes can be reversed. For instance, you can re-enable startup programs, restore default visual effects, and adjust power plans back to their original settings if needed. Always keep track of the changes you make.
  4. Q: Do I need to purchase third-party software to optimize my Windows 11 PC?
    • A: No, you don’t need to purchase any software to optimize your PC. Windows 11 provides built-in tools and settings that are effective for improving performance. Third-party tools are optional and may offer more advanced features.
  5. Q: Will these speed tweaks void my warranty on my Windows 11 PC?
    • A: In most cases, these tweaks should not void your warranty, as they involve software adjustments that can be reversed. However, it’s a good idea to check your PC’s warranty terms and consult your manufacturer for specific details.
  6. Q: Can I perform these speed tweaks on a brand-new Windows 11 PC?
    • A: Yes, you can apply some of these tweaks to a new PC to ensure optimal performance from the start. However, be cautious and avoid unnecessary changes that may interfere with the initial setup process.
  7. Q: What should I do if my Windows 11 PC continues to run slowly after trying all these optimizations?
    • A: If your PC remains slow despite all efforts, you may want to consider seeking professional assistance. There could be underlying hardware or software issues that require expert diagnosis and resolution.
  8. Q: Are there any specific settings I should avoid changing to prevent system instability?
    • A: While most settings mentioned in this article are safe, it’s essential to avoid altering advanced settings that you don’t fully understand, especially in the Windows Registry. Incorrect changes in the registry can lead to system instability.
  9. Q: Can I apply these speed tweaks to older versions of Windows, like Windows 10 or 8?
    • A: Some of the tweaks mentioned here are applicable to older Windows versions, but the steps and options may vary. It’s recommended to search for specific guides tailored to your Windows version for the best results.
  10. Q: How can I track the performance improvements after applying these tweaks?
    • A: You can use built-in Windows utilities like Task Manager and Performance Monitor to monitor your PC’s performance. Check factors like CPU usage, memory usage, and startup times to gauge improvements.

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