8 Unknown facts of Makar Sankranti:

Beyond Kites and Sweets

Celestial Celebration

Makar Sankranti aligns with the winter solstice, signifying the shortest day; as the sun moves northward, days lengthen, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.

Milk Magic

In Kerala, the scent of boiling milk fills homes as earthen pots overflow, part of a unique ritual believed to bring prosperity and abundant harvests. 

Sesame's Sweet Surrender 

Tilgul, a sweet blend of sesame seeds and jaggery, symbolizes not only a treat but also honors Lord Vishnu's victory over an Asura, signifying auspicious beginnings. 

Bonfire of Letting Go 

In South India, Makar Sankranti bonfires serve more than warmth, symbolically incinerating negativity to pave the way for fresh beginnings. 

Beyond Borders 

Makar Sankranti spans borders, celebrated as Pongal in Tamil Nadu, a four-day harvest festival, and as Lohri in Punjab, marked by bonfires and folk dances. 

Kite Symphony 

During Makar Sankranti, vibrant kites fill the sky, and the controlling threads are coated with glass powder for a sharp edge, allowing the cutting of rival kite strings. 

A Bird's-Eye Blessing 

In Andhra Pradesh, during Makar Sankranti, villagers offer cooked rice to crows, seeking blessings for health and longevity from Yama, the God of Death. 

Tilgul's Tangy Twist 

In Maharashtra, tilgul gets a unique flavor twist as lime juice adds a tangy touch to the celebratory treat sweetened with jaggery.